
Welcome to our rather cheesy titled blog post ‘HOME from HOME’, we toyed with the idea of ‘Push, Push it real GOOD!’ but we felt that ‘HOME from HOME’ was actually exactly how we felt about our time there, so here we go…

Kevin Jaimeson senior theatre producer at HOME and Mighty Heart friend came along to support us back in March 2015 at our first showing of ‘When I Feel Like Crap I Google Kim Kardashian Fat’, and the next thing we know we are donning our sparkly capes at the super wonderful venue HOME for PUSH Festival, with our two shows, ‘What’s the Matter With You?’ and ‘When I Feel Like Crap I Google Kim Kardashian Fat’… I guess what we mean is THANK YOU KEVIN!

PUSH Festival is a vibrant and exciting new festival at HOME full of up and coming theatre makers. We got to see and spend time with such a great gang of creative folk, Square Peg Theatre, Babel Theatre, The 1121 Collective, Sheep Knuckle and Hercules Productions. Bloody wonderful!

Joe from Babel Theatre organised a chat for everyone at the start of the festival about ‘Making Theatre in a Cold Climate’ and invited us to be on the panel, so we chucked on some sequins and got chatting. It was lovely to have everyone together, we felt like it really sparked up a fire for everyone to help each other. So i guess making theatre in a cold climate is sort of about, well, helping one another through it!


They asked us to go on BBC Radio…With the supervision of Kevin obvs!


We also pretended to be on the Breakfast show too, which might seem quite special but anyone can do it at Media City, just nip in and sit down! (ps – the BBC cups are glued down)…


We made friends with lots of people at HOME, its easy to make friends there as everyone is so bloomin’ friendly and supportive! We asks Jaime the stage manager to help us with what to do with all our set and stuff, and he kindly sat down with us for a brew…Now we have everything in labelled bags and make many lists! The moral of this story is, just ask!


Our ‘When I Feel Like Crap..’ show finally got a printed ticket…



We got to perform in the T2 Space…so we made extra bunting!


The techies at HOME are wicked…and they don’t mind a cheeky selfie.


Loads of people came to support us…They took Selfies too!

We had the best time at PUSH Festival. We think that HOME is such an exciting place for Manchester Theatre makers. They champion art in such a wonderful way that its hard not to become attached. You will find us in the bar doing our Mighty Heart thing often, not just because we don’t have an office space yet,but because we feel at home there.

Cheers to everyone at HOME and everyone who came along to support us, you are all a load of diamonds!

Peace, Love and Popcorn.

Sam and Lisa





Our First Year In Pictures. Farewell 2015. Mighty Thank you.

Hello Friends…

Happy New Year!

As we enter into this fresh new year we have been thinking about the year we just left behind, what a glitter filled treat it was as well.

So in 2015 Mighty Heart was born…We knew who inspired us, and we defiantly felt inspired so we decided to make Mighty Heart!

FB profile picture - Mighty Heart

….In January 2015 we drove around a wintery and cold Preston and shouted/shared positive affirmations to the general public, “Your Fabulous! pass it on!”…


…March. Emergency Break the Glass – The Feminist Take Over at the Manchester Art Gallery, where we shared some stories from our growing collection of verbatim material. Each corner was brimming with artists, poets and wonder! We were super proud to be part of it…



…Our soul sister friend Esther Dix (@EstherArwenDix) came on board as a creative associate and director…


…We carried on collecting stories… and began to develop ‘When I Feel Like Crap I Google Kim Kardashian Fat’…


…We got to work with wonderful Director Chris Hallam (check him out on twitter – @ChrisPHallam) …


Threshold Festival, our first experience of performing in an arts festival…


…We Went to Liverpool, Preston and Manchester with the ‘When I Feel Like Crap I Google Kim Kardashian Fat’…


People took Selfies…A lot of selfies!…


…We Danced in glittery capes…


…We worked and made friends with the amazing young woman at RECLAIM Manchester, they are inspiring and wonderful and we think they are world changers…


We won a commission from the lovely folk at Creative Industries Trafford and The Waterside Arts Centre, which was to become our new home for the autumn…


…We began to collect stories and make ‘Whats The Matter With You?’…We asked our wicked illustrator mate Dom&Ink (@Dom_and_Ink)to create a mindful colouring page for our audiences from verbatim text…


…Shaw and Shaw are a beautifully creative pair who take glorious photos of all sorts, check them out – http://www.shawandshaw.co.uk/#welcome . they let us play with props, glitter and cake!…

Mighty Heart2813_J5Y6925

…A lovely bloke called Charlie came into our rehearsals and took rehearsal shots of ‘Whats The Matter With You?’, this show had lots of stuff we love in it:

glitter, dancing, tea parties, weather, music, vinyl and puppets…


A big Mighty THANK YOU to all of you lot! For supporting Mighty Heart in our first year of life, we value every person that has engaged with us on this journey…

Heres to 2016 may it be full, creative and bloomin’ brilliant for us all!

Peace, Love and Glitter.

Sam and Lisa




Journey to the Waterside Arts Centre, Sale – A Short Tale with Pictures by Our Esther!

Our band new show, What’s The Matter With You? has finally arrived! After our R & D adventures, we can’t wait for you to see what we’ve been up to… Performances are this Thursday 26th-Saturday 28th November, 7.30pm (pre-show experience from 7pm), at the Waterside Arts Centre in Sale.

“But Mighty Heart ladies”, we hear you ask, “Where is this Sale of which you speak?! I’ve never been to the wilds of Greater Manchester before?” Fear not!! It’s an easy-peasy journey, and our director Esther has created an extra-special travel guide just for you…


Catch the Metrolink from Piccadilly, destination Altrincham. (You can also board at Deansgate-Castlefield, or anywhere else along the way of course… For a Metrolink map, go here http://www.metrolink.co.uk/stationinfo/Documents/Route_Map.pdf)



Don’t forget your ticket…



Board a Metro bound for Altrincham…



Journey time is approximately 30 minutes, but with the current construction Metrolink are doing, best to allow plenty of time… Whilst aboard, enjoy stunning views of Manchester, and free wifi…



When you arrive at Sale station, just go up the stairs…




Look across the road and you can spot the Waterside Arts Centre right there! And enjoy the local scenery…




Cross the road (at the lights, obviously) and head left, and you have reached your destination!




Enjoy the show! xx


PS If you’re driving, it’s super easy too, just go here http://watersideartscentre.co.uk/about-us/how-to-find-us/


Hello Lovely Folk!


Loads and loads of words!

The journey started with lots of WORDS…we have collected over 80 stories and we can’t wait to share them with you all, now we won’t spoil it for you but here are a few hints! You can expect – Big Questions, Weather Girls, Glitter, A Puppet called Bob, Cats and Tea with David Cameron.

What are you waiting for? Join us at the Waterside Arts Centre for ‘Whats the Matter with You?’ 26th-28th November 2015, £8/£6


(Psssst – If you are a member of the Open Exchange or Lowry Studio then you get a discount! Big up fellow Theatre Makers!)




Creatives Day!

We had the absolute pleasure of having a group of creatives join us and our wonderful director Esther Dix in our rehearsals for a day of Mighty exploring. Together we danced, composed, created, designed, sang, shouted and breathed life into our verbatim text. It was the first time we had done this sort of thing, so we were a little nervous but we are so glad that we did! Sharing our creative space and letting trusted, wonderful humans into the room was one of the highlights of our process so far.

Thank you Creatives! Elli Johnson, Joshua Val Martin, Rachel Creamer, Alice Rowbottom, Jamie Hampson, David Norris, Daniel Williams, Anthea Proctor, Kelly Munro-Fawcett , Marlon Solomon and Alex.







We are doing a wellbeing workshop for actors, theatre makers and creatives of all kinds, on Saturday 28th November if you fancy joining us:



Almost finished, Promise! …But we couldn’t blog about our rehearsal process and not mention our fellow cast members THE PUPPETS…We have been working closely with lovely puppeteer and puppet maker Alice Rowbottom (Follow her on Twitter – @Rowbotstreet) to create verbatim inspired puppets for our show, here are some work in progress shots of them (not too much though, we don’t want to spoil the surprise…)







 Until next time, the show…

Peace, Love and Puppets

Lisa and Sam


Blackpool Illuminations/A Research Trip/Chips


Hello Friends!

We made it through our first creative week on our new show, ‘What’s The Matter With You’ (https://watersideartscentre.co.uk/whats-on/1708-whats-the-matter-with-you/), it was full of discoveries, BIG stories and Lights!

We have spent the past month collecting stories about Mental Health, through face to face interviews and our online survey. The response has been overwhelming and the stories are world-changing . We can’t wait to share them with you…but you will have to wait for the show!

We decided to finish our first week off with a research trip to the Blackpool Illuminations (it was a research trip, honest!)…In our interviews people talked about dark space with little bits of light, Light being a symbol of hope, Light making people happy, Dreams filled with life changing Light . So, we went to visit the ‘Lights’.

Peace, Love and Chips

Mighty Heart









